About AC Design

AC design is important to ensure that your business has air conditioning that completely meets its needs. Anyone can walk into a local store and purchase a reasonably efficient air conditioning unit for their home, but larger businesses have more at stake.

What do you do when you want to make absolutely certain the AC system you purchase and have installed is going to meet all of your needs and serve your business efficiently?

  • You hire someone who has extensive knowledge on all aspects of the business to design an air conditioning system that is just right for you.
  • AC design is not a duty that should be handed over to just anyone.
  • You need a professional with the knowledge and experience to create a final product that is perfectly suited to your business needs.

There is a lot that goes into designing a very efficient AC system. Let’s take a quick look at just some of the things that need to be thought through in the process. It should then be obvious why this is not a task that just anyone can do for you.

AC Design: Available components

Anyone doing AC design for an industrial or office setting will need extensive knowledge about the different components of systems on the market today. They must know what is out there, what the benefits and drawbacks are to each, and how they can be used together to create a completely functional air conditioning system.

Without this knowledge you could end up with a system that doesn’t meet your needs or that isn’t as efficient as it could be.

AC Design: Energy efficiency

Good AC design will always take into account what the most energy efficient system for your business is. It’s clear that you are going to pay higher electricity and other energy bills once you have your AC system up and running, but these charges can be controlled if the design incorporates energy efficient materials, components and solutions wherever possible.

AC Design: Identifying essential features

AC DesignThe risk when you have someone inexperienced design your system is that you will end up with a system that doesn’t meet your needs. You may end up with a system that has far more features than you will ever need or actually use, which means you paid more than you should have for the system. Even worse, you could end up with a system that lacks the features you do need.

Someone well versed in AC design will know how to listen to your needs and wants and then customise an air conditioning system that meets all of those needs without bumping up the overall price with unnecessary features. This is the reason you want to have your AC system designed for you to begin with! You want to get exactly what you need without paying for features you don’t need. That is the point of customisation of any product.

AC Design: A sharp eye

Finally, a skilled AC designer will have a sharp eye for the small details that go into designing this type of system. They will know where the best place to put the equipment would be and will notice every small potential problem that could come up along the installation process.

There are also a lot of technical details that go into it. Designing air conditioning solutions is clearly not something that you can throw at your average air conditioning technician. It requires specific expertise and experience in AC design.

Find out about Ceilite’s AC design services.